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This is for anyone looking for more information about potential debt solutions 
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Debt Settlement/Credit Repair Frequently Asked Questions
How to help reduce debt collection calls, reduce your debt as an alternative to bankruptcy. Credit Repair Frequenctly Asked Questions

Q: I am considering filing a credit dispute, how long does it take?
A:When the bureaus contacts the creditor, they have 30 days to prove the item is accurate . If within 30 days they can't provide the documentation proving that your still owe the debt, it is removed. However, if the creditor provides the proof after 30 days the items gets re-inserted.

Q:I believe I may be a victim if identity fraud what should I do?
A:First tell the police, identity theft is a serious crime, file a report. The more information you have the better. Second get a copy of your credit report from all three bureaus and check them for usually activity. Dispute any false items immediately with the bureaus directly. And if you fell you need to, get a credit monitoring service.

Q: Are all credit repair companies’ scams?
A: Not neces
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How To Negotiate With A Collection Agency

Watch Your Credit Card Debt

Are you keeping your credit card debt under control? Recent data from Bloomberg shows that more consumers are having a hard time doing so.

Credit card issuers reported a 3.82% charge-off rate on credit cards in the first quarter of 2019

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Do you have a bill that has been turned over to a collection agency? Of course, you'll want to make things right as well as remove the negative effect on your credit score. But what if you can't afford to pay the bill in full? Why not try to negotiate with the debt collector? They likely bought

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