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This is for anyone looking for more information about potential debt solutions 
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Pro & Cons Of Popular Debt Management Companies
Consolidated Credit Counseling

PROS: The companys website says they typically reduce interest rate on debt to somewhere between 0% and 10%. Customer reviews on several sites are almost all complimentary of service they received. Credit counselor offer advice not just on credit cards, but housing and other personal finance topics. The website lists free seminars by date and time, making it easy to schedule a learning experience.

CONS: The cost, per month, is a little daunting for someone already in debt. Also, Consolidated Credit is not certified by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, which is the largest financial counseling agency in the country.

CONSENSUS: There is a lot to like about Consolidated Credit, but you are going to pay for liking it. Their monthly charges are at the very high end of the industry. Not sure what you are getting for the extra - a month because the website is not that specific. Still, lots of positive revi
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By Eric Olsen, Executive Director, HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm

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